Setelah berlepakan dr semalam ke hulu kehilir kat dapur hari ni kita relax kan minta tp kena kuatkan fizikal sbb nak memanjat nak menggantungkan AWARD2 yg cantik2 yg dberikan ikhlas dr kwn seBLOGGER, terima kasih buat semua org yg menghargai umah kita yg tak seberapa ni kan ehehe.... antaranyer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Terima award ni dr ALONGROZZ yg versatile!! tenkiuuu along!!! tak sangka leh berjumpa kat sini sblm ni ada cerita sikit dgn ALONG ehehe.. sbb kita jd pengunjung pertama yg berikan komen dan terima hadiahhh yg sgtttttt lah cantik dan lovelynyerr, sampai sekarang ada tau!!. Same appreciation goes to your blog.The Kreativ Blogger Award comes with some rules:
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on which of the blogs to let them know theyhave been nominated.
Antara 7 org yg bertuah adalah>>>
- KAK ITA nihon
- ROSS nihon
- SAKURA EMI nihon
- KAK ZURA sarawak
- KAK WATIE Penang
- KAK NOR ganu
- SEMUA PENGUNJUNG yg tak dsebutkan nama kat atas tu leh bawak balik ya ;-)
AWARD yg ni pulak dr KAK LYANA yg baik hati baru jer kenal ngan kak lyana ni, harap persahabatan kita yg tak nmpk ni dberkati dan berkekalan selamanyr insyaAllah..amin.. UNTUK SUME ORG BAWAK BALIK YA!! dulangi SEMUA ORG!! :D sbb menghargai persahabatan kita ni dgn IKHLAS, tq!!
I LOVEEEEEE ROSEEEEE!!!!!!!!! :D sexy you!! hihihi... Tennkiu MAMA!!!!! muuuaaaahhhh!!!!
This is Forever Friendship.This is the sacred REDROSE.You MUST pass this rose on to at least 5 people within thehour of receiving this rose. After you do, make a wish.If you have passed it on, your wish will come trueand love will come yourway shortly.If not your life will stay the same as it has always been.Just be nice & pass it on.....May we all be loved so much.Friend if I don't get this back I can take a hint!Send this to 8 people or more and if this is sent backto you then you know that you are a true friend...
Kita nak berkongsi jugak AWARD ni buat SEMUA ORG lagi!!! atas penghargaan kerana sudi singah ke sini dan menjadi kwn dalam yg penuh dgn mayanyer :D... AMBIK BAWAK BALIK!!! :D tq!!!
Sapa2 ada lagi yg nak bg award kat kita ke?? hihihi..kita suke jerr!!! :D cuma lambat gantung lah.. :D
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