Salam n pagi sume ;-),
Hari ni ninja tu cuti, yahooooooo.. budak2 pun masih cuti, tak tahu sampai bila akn dberitahu melalui telefon dr sekolah.. Ni menu mlm td ya tak sempat nak n3 penat dan ngantuks :D, Sedap banget ayam ni, harus cuba ;-) Resepi ni nmpk kat umah GERT, jalan2 carik makan terjumpa resepi ni terus berkenan, mmg finger lickin goodddddd hihihi....Resepi asal ni kat umah sheeren tak de link untuk sheeren ni sbb ianyer private blog so,kita cnp dr umah GERT jer ya, Mcm biasa juga mintak izin resepinyer ya, tenkiuuu! pening betul kepala klu budak2 ni ada kat umah tak g sekolah, asyik gaduhhhhhh jer kejanyer huh! penat mulut bebel2 tp tak jalan ehehe.. Nmpknyer hari ni pun tak kuar umah lg ya dgn keadaan yg merbahaya ni. huhuhu...Ok resepinyer kat bwh ni, byk kerja nak kena buat :D
Ayam ni kita perap paginyer n bakar ptg harinyer :D
Updated>>Since this recipe mmg hampir sama dgn ROSS nyer resepi jdnyer tk surelah ya both dpt dr mana sbb sheeren blog is private blog, kita pun tak cek sbb dah lama buat lupa lah pulak ehehe... apa pun yg pasti thanks for sharing this simple n yummy recipe.. Thanks sis LOVE ingatkan balik :D, nanti tanyer ross mana dia dpt recipe tu ya ehehe...yg pasti sedap! ehehe :D
8 – 10 pcs chicken wings
1 tsp black pepper
4 cm fresh ginger
4 cloves garlic
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp sweet soy sauce/kicap manis
2 ½ tbsp of mayonnais
salt to taste
Hari ni ninja tu cuti, yahooooooo.. budak2 pun masih cuti, tak tahu sampai bila akn dberitahu melalui telefon dr sekolah.. Ni menu mlm td ya tak sempat nak n3 penat dan ngantuks :D, Sedap banget ayam ni, harus cuba ;-) Resepi ni nmpk kat umah GERT, jalan2 carik makan terjumpa resepi ni terus berkenan, mmg finger lickin goodddddd hihihi....Resepi asal ni kat umah sheeren tak de link untuk sheeren ni sbb ianyer private blog so,kita cnp dr umah GERT jer ya, Mcm biasa juga mintak izin resepinyer ya, tenkiuuu! pening betul kepala klu budak2 ni ada kat umah tak g sekolah, asyik gaduhhhhhh jer kejanyer huh! penat mulut bebel2 tp tak jalan ehehe.. Nmpknyer hari ni pun tak kuar umah lg ya dgn keadaan yg merbahaya ni. huhuhu...Ok resepinyer kat bwh ni, byk kerja nak kena buat :D
Ayam ni kita perap paginyer n bakar ptg harinyer :D
Updated>>Since this recipe mmg hampir sama dgn ROSS nyer resepi jdnyer tk surelah ya both dpt dr mana sbb sheeren blog is private blog, kita pun tak cek sbb dah lama buat lupa lah pulak ehehe... apa pun yg pasti thanks for sharing this simple n yummy recipe.. Thanks sis LOVE ingatkan balik :D, nanti tanyer ross mana dia dpt recipe tu ya ehehe...yg pasti sedap! ehehe :D
8 – 10 pcs chicken wings
1 tsp black pepper
4 cm fresh ginger
4 cloves garlic
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp sweet soy sauce/kicap manis
2 ½ tbsp of mayonnais
salt to taste
1. Clean and wash chicken wings and pat it dry.
2. Put the rest of the ingredients into a blender and blend into a paste.
3. Marinate the wings with the paste for at least 4 hours or overnight.
4. Pre-heat the oven to 400 degree F. Line a sheet pan with some aluminum foil. Drizzle it with some olive oil. Spread wings over the base.
5. Roast for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown. Turn the wings half way through the baking. Serve warm or at room temperature.
5 ulasan:
nak cuba ni ya Arah
Wingssss akak sukaaaa...masak cara apa pun sukaaaa...ni cam sedap tgk pun tau sedap...ayam dah kuarkan tapi bukan wingss tapi bole le ia..cam nk buat esok
sedapnya, bole try..
cedap sesangat ni ika oii.... tapi hari ni xde order ler akak nak rehat sikit..huhu...bila nak masak sedap mcm ni ni...
Hi there,
I got this recipe from Home Sweet Home.Since my blog is a private blog for my family and close friends only, I tak letak mana I get my recipes from. To be honest, I pun tak ingat mana I dapat some of my recipes sebab I pakai print and letak dalam fail and then lepas berminggu-minggu and kadang-kadang sampai bertahun-tahun, baru I teragak nak masak.Anyway,your wings look great.Kudos to Gert to change to wings which actually taste much better than whole chicken sebab rasanya lebih menyerlah and lebih garing.Presentation is also much better.Take care since you are in Bangkok now.My family and I was living in Bangkok ( Bangkapi )for almost 2 years before we balik NZ.
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